JANUARY 10, 2015 – Ditch Chickens in Little Sweden

Välkommen to Lindsborg, KS!
A couple years ago a small trio of Kansas Outdoorsmen assembled for a tactical, one-day, quick-strike chicken-run to a very small town just a stone’s throw from Salina. This small bit of family-owned land generally receives very little hunting pressure, and offers a small party with a couple dogs some excellent, huntable pieces in milo, CRP, hedgerows and thickets. A little bit of everything, in small enough packages that a small team can typically find a bit of success.

We found a few birds two years ago, and had a blast doing it. Enough so that we have been looking forward to getting back ever since. That time had finally come.

We spent the majority of the day following the same patterns we found success with previously, and had fine day. A handful of roosters and a nice covey or two of quail provided us with some exciting action for the day, and a nice reward for logging almost 9 miles on the legs.

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Sometimes it just takes one group of birds to make the day...
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