March 8, 2015: Conservation Order Snows (Or Lack Thereof)

Had to get out at least once – with all of the snow geese we’d seen in the area, and of course, sporting a new Briley magazine extension on my Beretta – that alone sort of obligated me a bit to at least see what that gun weighed when stuffed to the max with heavy loads…

Saturday was a bust. Started the morning with a smoking amp on the e-caller setup we had. Ended up hunting with no calling. We had three nice groups literally stall out on top of us at 75-80 yards, but would do no better without any sound. At least this was enough to encourage us to come back the next morning.

Which we did – with a new sound system and some high hopes. Those hopes only increased as 50 or so tried, in spite of a truck, a dog, and a fellow splashing around setting decoys, to land in our spread as we finished up the spread 20 minutes prior to legal shooting time.

The day turned out to be a fascinating display of all of out favorite species – less the one we could actually shoot at. But it made for a fantastic day with the Canon. And there was that one blue that came to save us from the skunk.

And… the Beretta is, indeed, mighty heavy with a full boat of 3-3.5s…


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