Mila: Using the Nose to Cash in on the Four-Duck Parlay

Mila with a big payoff on the four-duck parlay. Two mallards downed, but made it across the pond. Before making the trip around to work up the mallards, a group of green-wing teal swings through, with a couple staying behind for fajitas. Kind of a long video, but such a great show of Mila, her nose, and her drive.

After picking up both teal (literally trying to pick up both!) she heads over for the mallards, working the bank up and down, using her nose, and making a couple of great finds, with one that would often be a lost bird without a good dog.

Pardon my footage; I’m new to the drone work and still getting the hang of it, and it wasn’t easy keeping up with Mila – she was on a mission.

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