OCTOBER 31, 2015: Opening Day of Kansas Waterfowl

There was something quite romantic about the light pitter-patter of raindrops on the guttering outside of my bedroom window last night that, surely, helped me drop off into slumber.

You see, I rarely sleep well at all on this night. This particular night is the eve of the Kansas waterfowl opener. One of my very favorite days on the calendar; akin to the grandest of holidays in this man’s heart. But this year, I slept. Maybe more of a function of where my life is at in general than anything – and certainly not for lack of excitement. I think I’m in a generally happy place at the moment, and that should only serve to heighten the sweetness of the 2015 opener. But… I slept, and slept well.

To top it off, this opener – and I assure you, all openers are very special – but this one would be a different group, including old friends that spend more time sharing a boat than a blind. And considering my lack of time-in-a-boat this past year, it would make for a much needed, much appreciated reunion of sorts.

Few beyond the wildfowler will appreciate waking to the cold, chilly, windy wetness of a rainy October morning. But we of this particular mindset race out of bed, eager to take on the crisp darkness that stands between us and a breaking dawn.

Ok, enough “poetry”… It’s Halloween, and I have a lot to do. Like carve a Jack-O-Lantern with my daughter. So, on with the stats.


Not much in the air this morning – but this did not dampen any spirits. Very little flying early. Kicked 30 or so off of the roost – of course – but did not see fowl for a couple hours after that. Saw a small group of big ducks, unwilling to descend from orbit, and another single duck later. A nice group of eight geese that worked us for five minutes, but never quite finished, followed by a trio that busted us. After a minor update to the decoy configuration, a group of six finished without any hesitation at all, and we made our only opportunity of the day count.

Only one volley, but a great one. And a great morning, with dear friends. Simply could not have been better. The season is on. So many awesome memories to be had in the next 3-4 months. I just can’t wait to enjoy every single day I have in front of me.


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