May 29, 2021: Back in the Field with Puck

May 29, 2021: Back In The Field With Puck

Been some time since we’ve had a good day in the field. Weather, travel, and other unfortunate circumstances have kept Puck and I from getting much quality time in for far too long. Today we had the chance to get back out into the field to pick back up on some training. Took him just a few tosses of the dummy to get back into the swing of things, but he did, and was as good as ever. In fact, we pushed the workout a bit longer than we used to.

Followed that up with some time in the off-leash area at the local dog park, where I put some whistle commands to the test with loose dogs everywhere, and he was obedient and great. He even took a little time to stop and smell (or eat) the flowers…
Some much much needed time with my bear.

Some much much needed time with my bear.

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